Friday 6 April 2012

Crossing the Rainbow Bridge

Class 1 Rainbows 1

This is a highlighted part of a special message for lightworkers:
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APRIL 6th/7th  CHRIST FULL MOON IN LIBRA 17.23 degrees   7.19am NZ 7th    AUST EST 5.19am 7th    GMT 7.19pm 6th
This is the Easter Full Moon and the first of the three most powerful Full Moons in the year. The Full Moon is a time of completion and celebration; the Sun in Aries opposite and the Moon in Libra at this time it is about the ascension and awakening of the divine being you are. A time when the Masters, Angels, Golden Solar Beings and Councils of Light illuminate humanity with the Light octaves at the level of Christ consciousness. So a time to transform yourself and surrender into Divine Will, a time to let go of all the old patterns and fears and allow yourself to be the love you are. Move beyond your issues of being a martyr and poor me, as well as the anger and resentment of taking on others stuff, which is really yours and feeling like you do to much for everyone. Time to bring the fire of spirit inside your heart and come from unconditional love and peace, allowing and acceptance.
Also a time to share in joy with friends and family and in the unity of the human family.
The Christ Full Moon is a time of great light and followed by the Wesak Scorpio Full Moon then the Sagittarian Goodwill Full Moon.
Easter Full Moons are always times when the Councils of Light bring in more Light, and a time of being more aware of having an open heart and connecting within more fully. This year the Councils of Light are giving us an extra blast of light and little nudge along to be more in our heart.
It would be a good idea to meditate at this time and connect deeper into yourself.
It is time for us to come from the Christ Light within and own our divinity.
The old limitations of the outer projections of our fear are no longer serving us.
At this time you have the opportunity to look at what you still fear, is it your divinity and light, do you still have self hatred and unworthiness issues, a broken heart, aloneness, lack and fear for survival, jealousy, resentment…?
All these issues of the heart can now be faced easily once we own them with love and acceptance. By using the breathe and taking in a deep in breathe right to your belly as it expands, then holding it, then letting it out as your belly contracts, taking in a full breath. As you breathe in golden light and the words love and acceptance this will 100% transmute the fear as long as you keep it up, it may take a few sessions over days or weeks. But you will know when it’s gone as your whole life will change into love and being at peace within.
Please see healing within for some simple meditations that help you come from your heart and listening to your inner voice.
MAYAN CALENDAR DAY 6th April: 5 (centre, core purpose, acceptance) RED (East - electrifies, initiates) ALLIGATOR- IMIX  (source of life, birth, nurturing, nourishment, trust)
MAYAN CALENDAR DAY 7th April; 66 (balance, receptivity, organise) WHITE (North - refines, detached) WIND - IK (co-creator of reality, unseen forces, inspiration, presence)
 EASTER SUNDAY APRIL 8th The resurrection and Ascension, from the surrender into Divine Will now the birth of the new and into your true Being ness. Allow yourself to simply be, experience your connective ness with the Earth and your body. True Ascension is not leaving but being here fully present, in so doing you are everything all in one; your awareness through the stillness allows you to have the clarity of your essence.

It is said that human intelligence or evolution to a higher form of sentience has been blocked because mans intuitive ability rarely bridges over to work  with his reason and intelligence. 
 It is interesting to note how many ancient mystics, shamanic and religious paradigms hold in common  the belief  that there are seven vortices or paralleled electrical processors located at intervals along the human spine (chakras)  connecting the human energy channels (nadis) thought to be arterial energy connections that transport the life force. Paramhansa Yogananda of the self-realization fellowship taught that a yogi directs his life energy to revolve, upward and downward, around  six spinal centers (medullary, cervical, dorsal, lumbar, sacral, and coccygeal plexuses) which correspond to the twelve astral signs of the zodiac, the symbolic Cosmic Man. One-half minute of revolution of energy around the sensitive spinal cord of man effects subtle progress in his evolution; that half-minute of Kriya equals one year of natural spiritual unfoldment."
(*Parallel  and similar explanations of these energy same energy vortices can be found  in the Kabbalal in the tree if life, the Christian Gnostic 
conception of the Pleroma, the Asvattha as described in the Bhagavad Gita, and even in the  liberal  Catholic Church (see to name only a few examples. )
 According to multiple paradigms these processors located in the human spine constitute a  "Rainbow Bridge" whereby the Higher frequencies or electrical  energy generated by the universal consciousness  can be conducted  to humans  through a sacred portal  by progessive opening and stimulation of the Chakras. 
Historically  there are countless traditional examples of humanity’s search for the deeper more profound meaning through a quest to access a sacred higher intelligence, in all past cultures and societies.
 My own research and comparative study of ancient mysteries, religions, shamanic practices and various spiritual and philosophic disciplines  provide me  with vital clues telling me that humans have developed extraordinary tools and methods for developing psychic and intuitive power to transcend their physical and mental limitations by exploration, connection  and use of the divine or superconductive universal mind.  
History tellls us that human search for the sacred has been present sent ancient times in many many forms. We see it in our attraction to the wonders of
 nature and the marvels of the universe, and in Our fascination with ancient cultures and mysticism.  Ancient historical sites, such as the 
Oracle of Delphi, the pyramids of  Egypt, and the stone circles reveal the mysterious  beauty created by the great artisans of history, and in the awe experienced when gazing at the cathedrals and temples humanity has created in honor of the divine. 

Careful examination of parallel ancient mystical literature and cultures tell us that the path to the sacred is an inner rather than outer quest.
 For many of thousands of years, numerous saints, shamans, religious mystics and seekers from every paradigm embarking on this inner quest, have undeniably accomplished miraculous feats of all kinds as a result of their ability to access and utilize power from a great interconnected soul intelligence or powerful universal consciousness  lying deep within the recesses of the human psyche .
The mystical  explanation is that  the psychic wiring of human beings left a secret portal or door between the physical and the sacred located in the human brain  in an organ called the Pineal Gland, that mystics refer to as the "seat of the soul."
The result of opening this secret door is said to provide the human mind access to the divine sacred mind or universal consciousness.
Such seekers are unanimous is attributing their miraculous feats to a sacred higher intelligence, not of a single human being, but rather of humanity
or sometimes sentient awareness of all life  as a whole. 
According to ancient mysticism the secret to successfully traveling upon this inner path 
there is a bridge that must be crossed, from the human mind to the divine mind.
The antahkarana is a Sanskrit term for this bridge,  that connects  the lower mind with the higher mind (universal consciousness).  
Modern day students of  ancient mystical practices term the antahkarana as "the rainbow bridge." 
It has often been said that to successfully bridge or conduct energy between our limited human intelligence 
 and the divine universal mind or consciousness that the seeker must become the path
In truth, the drive and dedication or human motivation to make the sacrifices required to diligently set aside more
 "practical and mundane physical concerns" in order to undertake an inner journey leading to exploration and 
development of the inner realms of soul, is often simply a matter of an individuals profound dissatisfaction with the challenges and rewards offered by the physical world of the senses coupled with a profound drive to find a deeper and more satisfactory purpose and meaning behind the purpose for human existence.  
This is an important and  profound notion. The method for bridging between human mind and universal intelligence 
has frequently been explained as a  journey that is not based upon doing, but rather through a deeper  exploration of being.
 Human Awakening to the sacred or development of increased sentient awareness is not governed by driven activity,but rather by a sudden urge to awaken to a more authentic-self. 
A more aware self filled with love and guided by wisdom and seeking a higher truth and purpose. 
A comprehensive review of recommended   theories, practices and mental disciplines and free sources for special frequencies and sacred geometry visuals  for  stimulation of the primal energy centers to facilitate access to the super conscience through " the Rainbow bridge"  
with dedicated application these techniques are certain to  yield impressive results  
To assist in opening, healing and development of higher energetic flow through the Chakras explore  use of mantras, sacred geometry videos and  frequency sound recordings. 
Muladhara - Base/Root Chakra - From Sanskrit Muladhara can be translated as "That which Holds the Base or Root."

  1. Yoga deep breathing- belly breathe
  2. walk, especially walk barefoot in nature
  3. dance
  4. mindfully eat healthy food, especially root vegetables or healthy "comfort food"
  5. garden
  6. create healthy order or structure in your life or home, such as creating a filing system or putting up shelves in the garage or basement
  7. if you have belongings scattered in various places, take steps to "bring them home"
  8. wear a pleasing shade of red
  9. repeat affirmations such as: "I am safe." "I have a right to be here." "I have a right to be me." " The universe is a good place." "Life is good." "Everything is going to work out just fine." "I belong." "I have all that I need." "The universe provides for me abundantly." "All is well and I can let down my guard and rest." " I am."
  10. surround yourself with pleasing, earthy smells, such as essential oils of cedar, clove, or patchouli.

Focus your awareness at the Muladhara or Base Chakra, your vital Root center, located at the end of your spine, the serpent's tailbone.
See a whirling ball of Ruby Red Colored light pulsing with energy in this center. This is your procreative life force energy. Its nature is forceful and passionate.
Feel this warm Ruby Red Colored light and breathe deeply into this energy center. This is your core life energy that connects you to the earth and ALL of Life.

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