Saturday 16 July 2011

Birds, bees and forest magic

Summer is here....well the school holidays have started and I am full of plans....More than ever in the summer I need a structure, just a basic one which allows plenty of room for improvising and being spontaneous. And I always have to have a plan 'B' case of rain...or at least be prepared for changes ( and have the right clothes for it!)
Summer is spending more time outdoors, picnics and sharing time with nature, creatures, and people....
I am going to run sessions each Friday in the OXLEAS WOODS, near Greenwich/Blackheath
if you are near and around for the summer, come along and join us!
It is open to all ages. The idea is that we learn from each other and share our skills. I have invited Jo this Friday coming, the 22nd July to sing and play guitar with us. We will be making instruments out of natural and recycled materials, such as percussion instruments and shakers...
So, hoe to see you in the Woods

Friday 22nd July from 10 to 12, meet by the bench near car park, between car park and cafe.
Bus 89 from Blackheath and 486 from Greenwich

Five Little Birds
5 little birds,
On a branch by the shore,
1 fell off,
Then there were 4.
4 little birds,
High in a tree,
The wind blew hard,
Then there were 3.
3 little birds,
None of them knew,
1 wandered home,
Then there were 2.
2 little birds,
Sitting in the sun,
A cat came along,
Then there was 1.
1 little birds,
In the setting sun,
Flew off to the forest,
Then there were none.

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