Saturday 3 August 2013

On feeling lighter

Lately, I have drastically changed my lifestyle; I am not sure how to start explaining, but I am driven by a physical need which takes me to almost a different dimension. I lost the perspective of day to day life, on the basis that my routine has changed, my attitude to routine, perhaps has shifted.

Out of the window goes the i player watching (don't have a TV) with all the regular soaps and dramas and weekly junk; comfort snacking or late meals are gone, and much more...
most of all I started eating fish again, as I was vegetarian before; two reasons blended into one: the amount of physical exercise, and I don't mean just the gym and zumba classes...!
Now, the digestion according to my own metabolism led me to this change. Ditching the carbs, especially and quite strictly in the evenings, and not eating later than 5 pm has a good impact on my energy levels and how my body feels.

If I had a lot of money, I would employ a Japanese/macrobiotic chef to cook for me almost daily; I started craving poached/grilled salmon with ginger, soy and spring onion, natto, seaweed, especially more than before.

I am going to exercise classes and the gym almost daily and started to feel I can lose all this excess weight I have been carrying for the last 12 years!

My priorities have changed, thanks to my lovely husband, now I put myself first; it is ok to be selfish, to look after myself, to feel slightly vain and wanting to look good; it is strangely liberating.
Feeling lighter, a positive shift, the old and the new me, only better...

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