Come to Oxleas Woods
Fridays 10 am to 12pm
Parent and Child Outdoor Session
for more info:
I walk, I walk,
Listen to my steps
In the quiet woods
I stop, I stop
Listen to the birds
In the quiet woods
I play, I play
Listen to my laughter
In the quiet woods
I rest, I rest
Listen to the wind
Outdoor Parent and Child Group
Have you ever walked into the woods and felt at home? We, at Acorns Outdoor Parent & Child Group, have adopted a cosy little corner of Oxleas Woods to become our home for two hours every Friday 10am-12noon, and it truly feels that way! We have set the place for picnic, built our own den and have a favourite place for the ring time…
Once the children become familiar with the setting, they are happy to wonder around and play together, leaving a happy mum, dad (or nanny!) to relax with a cup of tea and a chat, or an activity. It’s amazing to be in the woods in the morning, whatever the weather and the season! We get good weather on most days and are privileged to hear and see the birds and watch the wood life around us go on, without disturbing it! We have even been befriended by local magpies and crows, who can’t wait for us to leave each Friday to descend onto our picnic space and pick up any remaining bread and nibbles! The change of seasons in the woods is magnificent, the air is fresh and you forget that you are not far away from a busy city life. Come and join us for this lovely experience – there is more work for us to do! And now for the practicalities… The Outdoor session is structured similar to the regular Indoor Parent & Child session with a flowing and repeating rhythm that the little ones can get used to and rely on. To start with there is an opportunity to explore the space around us: see what can be found/seen around us. What has nature got in store for us (literally everything is interesting: dry leaves, pine cones, acorns, conkers etc.) A common activity, like gathering twigs for crafts, or other interesting objects for the treasure collection, making necklaces from the red berries and strings or sitting quietly listening to the Nature noises.... Then there is picnic (prepared in advance and brought along with the hot thermos of tea for the parents!) Then there is Ring Time/Story Time, when we get everyone together and conclude the session. Please bring along: Containers, plates/cups for picnic time, plus a blanket/picnic mat to sit on. |

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