Then just round the corner, going down to the square, walked briefly into Robert Dyas to get candles, found a cute nordic style little wooden house with a light inside, a must have for my nature table which at the moment I made into a sort of mountain with a forest and a house on top and pine trees with gnomes and elves hiding, then I saw this box: racing cars track! Then there's me walking down to lunch by the square near St Martin's Church with a huge box in a bin bag and a green and shiny bag, rock salt heavy, but with a big smile. Thinking of my brief shopping trip so far...
I like Cecil Court a lot and all the shops there and the bookshops in Charing Cross road are very interesting and attractive...
Eating my edamame beans with much gusto, ma non troppo, thinking of hitting the South Bank Christmas stalls...and there I was half hour later...completely disappointed, by the prices, the smell of dead hogs and the rain!
The National Theatre shop was a little oasis, though!
Back home through hellish Lewisham, went for a bit of civilazation in Marks and Spencer's in Eltham for a last minute food shopping, craving avocados...back home in time for supper!
The day after had a nice browse in Greenwich Market,met Jo Mandala is back from India, saw Mec and her felt fairy lights, took the kids to the Cutty Sark and had a nice day!
Yesterday my house was filled with lovely children and their parents, as this alone gives a Yuletide feel I felt happy! We had warm winter punch and played a few games and sang songs...but mainly chatted and shared a bit of was lovely(thank you for coming, friends!)
Candles were lit, and after they were gone, waiting for my friend Chrissie to come, I put Terje Isungset's ice music on and lit even more candles and made some soup.
We sat and chatted and opened a couple of presents and listened to music and watched the candles while eating Booja Booja raw chocolate truffles!
Today, maybe we go to Blackheath Farmer's market, lunch, a browse in Oxfam to get fair traded prezzies for family and sing carols in St Michael's church...
Laaa, la la laaaa, la la la la laaaa!
to be continued!
15.30 Sunday 23 December:
Went to Greenwich for for browse and lunch in the market ( Ethiopian vegetarian, of course!)
nice walk across the heath and through Greenwich park, the market is buzzy and busy but not packed! So quite pleasant, really! Felt quite relaxing, but now glad we are at home before dark and I just put some incense I got from the indian shop in the market and now my friend Chrissie are listening to Tori Amos Night of Hunters album ( very clever she puts lyrics and melodies and sings over piano and cello sonatas by Debussy and Satie, etc...)
This is what I call chilling!
oh, by the way...we are not carol singing in church, we might here later...after watching Ice age 3 (we got Ice age 4 for surprise Christmas present)
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