This is an article from March when I first started to notice more certain symptoms...
Solar Flares are on the Rise 
Our sun is presently in the midst of an active phase of its 11-year solar weather cycle. What this means is that the surface of the sun is erupting with sun-storms and solar flares. Eruptions on the sun's surface can blast tons of plasma into space -- sometimes right towards the Earth.
Over the last month the sun has been extremely active. There have been five major solar flares recorded since Feb 14, culminating in a massive flare that occurred on Wednesday, March 10th. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is predicting similar events for upcoming days.
What exactly is a Solar Flare?
A solar flare is a magnetic storm on the Sun which results in a gaseous surface eruption. In addition to releasing radiation, solar flares kick up massive eruptions of charged particles and magnetic plasma in what scientists call a coronal mass ejection. These tremendously hot, high-energy particles and gases are ejected thousands of miles from the surface of the Sun.
When aimed in Earth's direction, strong solar flares can potentially disrupt satellites and power grids, as well as pose a hazard to astronauts on spacecraft. They can also spark dazzling shows of the northern lights, or aurora borealis.
Space weather trackers classify solar flares in three classes: C, M and X. The weakest types of solar flares are Class C storms, Class M tempests register as medium strength, but are still powerful, and the Class X storm is the most powerful type of flare.
Powerful Sun Storm
On Wednesday the sun erupted in a mega sun-storm which registered as a Class X1.5 event – representing one of the most powerful types of flares. The solar flare unleashed a wave of charged particles that is aimed straight at Earth and should arrive in the next few days.
When the wave arrives, it could supercharge the Earth's aurora borealis when the particles interact with our planet's magnetic field and atmosphere. This solar storm is so powerful it could spawn a show of dazzling northern lights activities that could potentially be seen across much of Canada and the uppermost states in the United States.
In the meantime, charged particles from a March 7th sun storm event should be reaching the Earth today (March 10).
How do Solar Flares affect us?
A recent study in the New Scientist magazine indicates a direct connection between the Sun's solar storms and the human biological system. The conduit which steers Earth's weather through the Magnetic Field on Earth is the same conduit that facilitates the influx of charged particles from the Sun through the magnetic (auric) field around the human body.
The increase in the frequency and amplitude of geomagnetic sun storms is causing large-scale planetary changes which include earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, tornadoes, and windstorms. There is also indication of human disturbance as result of the solar activity.
Geomagnetic Activity Influences Human Consciousness
Solar activity is known to influence human consciousness. Solar flares affect the Central Nervous System, all brain activity (including equilibrium), human behavior patterns, and all of our psycho-physiological (mental/emotional/physical) responses.
Symptomatically, solar flares can cause us to feel nervous, anxious, worried, jittery, dizzy, irritable, lethargic, exhausted, nauseous, and queasy. Some people may become unusually forgetful, and others may experience heart palpitations. People may also endure periods of prolonged head pressure and headaches.
Clearing Our Cellular Memories
The solar flares and photonic waves emanating from the sun are changing the fabric of our physical reality as they exert a powerful effect on our physical cellular level, causing our cellular memories to awaken and clear.
Unprocessed emotions from past traumas and experiences are stored in the form of low frequency energy as cellular memories. Photonic waves from the sun consist of higher frequency energy that serves to elevate the lower emotional frequency of our cellular memories.
As these cellular memories are re-calibrated to the higher frequency, we may find ourselves spontaneously releasing the lower emotions of sadness, anger, and grief, without knowing why. These sudden periods of 'release' may last up to twenty minutes, and may also include the sensation of the body heating up in the form of a "hot flash”. It may feel like a surge of unexpected feelings has surfaced from out of the blue, and have just as suddenly dissipated.
Awakening Our Soul Purpose
The elements of our Divine Blueprint are interwoven within our cellular memory. The recent infusion of photonic energies is amplifying our cellular memory, causing various elements of our Divine Blueprint to leak into our waking consciousness. As a result, many people are beginning to remember their Soul Purpose, and are suddenly driven to make changes in their lives to realign with a sense of higher purpose.
Instant Manifestation
Another ramification of the influx of photonic energy is that since it represents a higher frequency, it increases the power, speed, and manifestation capacity of our thoughts. We are quite literally able to exercise 'instant manifestation'; whatever we think, we create instantly. We have never before experienced this heightened level of manifestation potential.
Photonic energy blends with the vibratory frequency our thoughts, so it is vitally important that we place our attention on what we want to create, rather than what we do not want to manifest in our lives. We will manifest rapidly in the direction of our thoughts, and it is up to us to decide where to direct our attention.
For those of us in the process of positive change and transformation, this energy is empowering and advantageous. On the other hand, those who are stuck in the past through victimization and anger will continue to manifest even more negativity, until they are ready to release the old way of 'being' and shift to a higher, more positive vibration.
The good news is that we have free will to decide how we choose to use this rich and accessible resource of electromagnetic energy.
Additional Affects of Recent Solar Flares
The increased frequency and intensity of solar flares is helping to break apart old patterns that are no longer needed so that new patterns can emerge. This is a dynamic and inevitable process of change that has caused many people to feel agitated and uncertain in recent months. Solar flares have also wreaked havoc on technological instruments such as computers.
As the increase in solar activity persists, new symptoms are emerging. Dimensions of time and space are beginning to 'wobble' erratically. Some people seem to be losing track of time, and/or they are losing words when speaking. For others, the day seems to simply disappear.
A number of people are having difficulty sleeping, tossing & turning in the night and often experiencing unusual dreams. Others report that when they close their eyes at night, the world around them spins.
Some of us are feeling huge power surges in our bodies; these surges are often followed by a drop in energy level. There are reports of nausea, body aches, pains, and dizziness. Some people are feeling a sense of overwhelming grief, while others are experiencing euphoria. There are reported cases of visual disturbances, inner ear issues, buzzing in ears, throat and thyroid issues, and cold feet.
have a look at this amazing link with lovely images of what the Sun is doing right now during the Summer Solstice!
Our sun is presently in the midst of an active phase of its 11-year solar weather cycle. What this means is that the surface of the sun is erupting with sun-storms and solar flares. Eruptions on the sun's surface can blast tons of plasma into space -- sometimes right towards the Earth.
Over the last month the sun has been extremely active. There have been five major solar flares recorded since Feb 14, culminating in a massive flare that occurred on Wednesday, March 10th. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is predicting similar events for upcoming days.
What exactly is a Solar Flare?
A solar flare is a magnetic storm on the Sun which results in a gaseous surface eruption. In addition to releasing radiation, solar flares kick up massive eruptions of charged particles and magnetic plasma in what scientists call a coronal mass ejection. These tremendously hot, high-energy particles and gases are ejected thousands of miles from the surface of the Sun.
When aimed in Earth's direction, strong solar flares can potentially disrupt satellites and power grids, as well as pose a hazard to astronauts on spacecraft. They can also spark dazzling shows of the northern lights, or aurora borealis.
Space weather trackers classify solar flares in three classes: C, M and X. The weakest types of solar flares are Class C storms, Class M tempests register as medium strength, but are still powerful, and the Class X storm is the most powerful type of flare.
On Wednesday the sun erupted in a mega sun-storm which registered as a Class X1.5 event – representing one of the most powerful types of flares. The solar flare unleashed a wave of charged particles that is aimed straight at Earth and should arrive in the next few days.
When the wave arrives, it could supercharge the Earth's aurora borealis when the particles interact with our planet's magnetic field and atmosphere. This solar storm is so powerful it could spawn a show of dazzling northern lights activities that could potentially be seen across much of Canada and the uppermost states in the United States.
In the meantime, charged particles from a March 7th sun storm event should be reaching the Earth today (March 10).
How do Solar Flares affect us?
A recent study in the New Scientist magazine indicates a direct connection between the Sun's solar storms and the human biological system. The conduit which steers Earth's weather through the Magnetic Field on Earth is the same conduit that facilitates the influx of charged particles from the Sun through the magnetic (auric) field around the human body.
The increase in the frequency and amplitude of geomagnetic sun storms is causing large-scale planetary changes which include earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, tornadoes, and windstorms. There is also indication of human disturbance as result of the solar activity.
Geomagnetic Activity Influences Human Consciousness
Solar activity is known to influence human consciousness. Solar flares affect the Central Nervous System, all brain activity (including equilibrium), human behavior patterns, and all of our psycho-physiological (mental/emotional/physical) responses.
Symptomatically, solar flares can cause us to feel nervous, anxious, worried, jittery, dizzy, irritable, lethargic, exhausted, nauseous, and queasy. Some people may become unusually forgetful, and others may experience heart palpitations. People may also endure periods of prolonged head pressure and headaches.
Clearing Our Cellular Memories
The solar flares and photonic waves emanating from the sun are changing the fabric of our physical reality as they exert a powerful effect on our physical cellular level, causing our cellular memories to awaken and clear.
Unprocessed emotions from past traumas and experiences are stored in the form of low frequency energy as cellular memories. Photonic waves from the sun consist of higher frequency energy that serves to elevate the lower emotional frequency of our cellular memories.
As these cellular memories are re-calibrated to the higher frequency, we may find ourselves spontaneously releasing the lower emotions of sadness, anger, and grief, without knowing why. These sudden periods of 'release' may last up to twenty minutes, and may also include the sensation of the body heating up in the form of a "hot flash”. It may feel like a surge of unexpected feelings has surfaced from out of the blue, and have just as suddenly dissipated.
Awakening Our Soul Purpose
The elements of our Divine Blueprint are interwoven within our cellular memory. The recent infusion of photonic energies is amplifying our cellular memory, causing various elements of our Divine Blueprint to leak into our waking consciousness. As a result, many people are beginning to remember their Soul Purpose, and are suddenly driven to make changes in their lives to realign with a sense of higher purpose.
Instant Manifestation
Another ramification of the influx of photonic energy is that since it represents a higher frequency, it increases the power, speed, and manifestation capacity of our thoughts. We are quite literally able to exercise 'instant manifestation'; whatever we think, we create instantly. We have never before experienced this heightened level of manifestation potential.
Photonic energy blends with the vibratory frequency our thoughts, so it is vitally important that we place our attention on what we want to create, rather than what we do not want to manifest in our lives. We will manifest rapidly in the direction of our thoughts, and it is up to us to decide where to direct our attention.
For those of us in the process of positive change and transformation, this energy is empowering and advantageous. On the other hand, those who are stuck in the past through victimization and anger will continue to manifest even more negativity, until they are ready to release the old way of 'being' and shift to a higher, more positive vibration.
The good news is that we have free will to decide how we choose to use this rich and accessible resource of electromagnetic energy.
Additional Affects of Recent Solar Flares
The increased frequency and intensity of solar flares is helping to break apart old patterns that are no longer needed so that new patterns can emerge. This is a dynamic and inevitable process of change that has caused many people to feel agitated and uncertain in recent months. Solar flares have also wreaked havoc on technological instruments such as computers.
As the increase in solar activity persists, new symptoms are emerging. Dimensions of time and space are beginning to 'wobble' erratically. Some people seem to be losing track of time, and/or they are losing words when speaking. For others, the day seems to simply disappear.
A number of people are having difficulty sleeping, tossing & turning in the night and often experiencing unusual dreams. Others report that when they close their eyes at night, the world around them spins.
Some of us are feeling huge power surges in our bodies; these surges are often followed by a drop in energy level. There are reports of nausea, body aches, pains, and dizziness. Some people are feeling a sense of overwhelming grief, while others are experiencing euphoria. There are reported cases of visual disturbances, inner ear issues, buzzing in ears, throat and thyroid issues, and cold feet.
have a look at this amazing link with lovely images of what the Sun is doing right now during the Summer Solstice!
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