(Susanna Wallis felt figure)
Dear all, very exciting news for Acorns families, new and old...and friends of Acorns:
With the days getting cooler and wet, nothing beats a warm and friendly space, allowing creative flows and nurturing friendships and developing a sense of community, sharing parenting problems and the joy of Steineresque way of life and doing something for yourself and for your children, whilst helping our growing school.
This is a warm invite to all of you, especially new families and all the mums and dads and carers who wish to have a gathering place, a hot cup of tea and learn about Steiner inspired crafts.
I have been trying to set up this group and now it is actually happening, makes me very happy! I would like to say many thanks to the people who came forward to make this happen, especially Anna.
LATEST NEWS : PURPLE CLAIRE would like to offer PEG LOOMING WORKSHOPS for this craft group, if enough interest we can set a date and time and a price! Thank you Claire for offering! I will get back to you as soon as we have a date, it might be in the new year and maybe a series of two or three workshops...
MORE HOT HOT news! : SUSANNA WALLIS has come forward offering felting workshop ( perhaps making puppets and dolls, etc...)
any other people with strong crafty skills come forward please! If you know somene also let me know!
for peg looming info visit my blog:
It is happening! Finally!
Acorns Craft
Wednesdays at
Church of Ascension Dartmouth Row, SE10
Starting from
next Wednesday 24th October!
is a new informal drop in session. Be Creative, relax and
you learn new crafts, Steiner inspired creations share skills, make simple Waldorf dolls, knitted animals, puppets, gnomes,
learn silk dying, needle and wet felting and much more. What you make is for
yourself, for your child’ or a Christmas/Birthday gift.
ask you to make one extra thing to donate to our craft’s stall for the
Steiner School
Fair +
a little donation of £3 per person.
may bring your children as you know this is their play space;
and homemade cake/biscuits, any contributions are welcome! Of course bring your
own lunch!
session officially ends at 1.30 pm but we ask kindly for your help tyding and
cleaning the space afterwards. There is no leader in this session so all join in
the work and the looking after the Church. The toys and materials have to be
stored in the usual way and the kitchen cleaned.
sessions are not like Parent and Child sessions; there will be no ring time and
formal snack time or story time! This doesn't stop any parent from singing or
playing with the children! The session's focus is learning and making crafts for
the grown ups and perhaps the parents may take turns in settling and watching
the children and look after the toys, furniture and guard the materials used for
crafts. Each adult is responsible for the children they may bring. Thank
Anna is the 'facilitator' of
this new group. She is an 'Acorn mum' and she has a passion for wool and
knitting: she has a business making and selling gorgeous creations.
We are
very lucky to have her with us at
crafty people out there willing to come and contribute and share their skills?
We can discuss offering in the future, once the group is established and learned
a few basic skills,from time to time, extra special workshops, so may the
experienced knitters/weavers, painters, etc... come forward!