I love my Thursday morning sessions at Acorns, my parent and child group session at the Church of Ascension.
The parents seem to have bonded so well, some were friends already and some came to the group and made new friends. The children play well and the group has a nice feel.
Tomorrow we are celebrating the Summer Solstice. We will all bring something red ( or orange/pink and yellow, the summer colours!).
I will bring strawberries and oat cream!
This is the time of the year when the Sun feels warmer and bigger. That is certainly happening in Rome right now...not sure about London! I am still waiting for the 'heat wave'!
All the other signs are there...the daisies, the buttercups, the dandelions, the bees, the butterflies...the fairies dancing!
Some parents have asked me about the songs I sing at the sessions, I am putting some here for you, it is a small selection and I will add to it bit by bit.
This is my tidy up song:
I met a little tidy mouse
He said let's tidy up this house
Tidy tidy here and there
Tidy tidy everywhere
And this is my blessing song at snack time
Blessings on the blossoms
Blessings on the fruit
Blessings on the leaves and stems
Blessings on the fruit
Hold hands...(x3)
Blessings on the meal! (x2)
I like pretty flowers as a centre piece, the gesture and the beauty goes without saying thanks- spoken or sang: simple reverence speaks for itself...
I sing many songs during ring time but this is the one that we are singing now for the late Spring/Summer term:
Written By: Olive A. Wadsworth
Over in the meadow,
In the sand in the sun
Lived an old mother toadie
And her little toadie one
"Wink!" said the mother;
"I wink!" said the one,
So they winked and they blinked
In the sand in the sun
Over in the meadow,
Where the stream runs blue
Lived an old mother fish
And her little fishes two
"Swim!" said the mother;
"We swim!" said the two,
So they swam and they leaped
Where the stream runs blue
Over in the meadow,
In a hole in a tree
Lived an old mother bluebird
And her little birdies three
"Sing!" said the mother;
"We sing!" said the three
So they sang and were glad
In a hole in the tree
Over in the meadow,
In the reeds on the shore
Lived an old mother muskrat
And her little ratties four
"Dive!" said the mother;
"We dive!" said the four
So they dived and they burrowed
In the reeds on the shore
Over in the meadow,
In a snug beehive
Lived a mother honey bee
And her little bees five
"Buzz!" said the mother;
"We buzz!" said the five
So they buzzed and they hummed
In the snug beehive
Over in the meadow,
In a nest built of sticks
Lived a black mother crow
And her little crows six
"Caw!" said the mother;
"We caw!" said the six
So they cawed and they called
In their nest built of sticks
Over in the meadow,
Where the grass is so even
Lived a gay mother cricket
And her little crickets seven
"Chirp!" said the mother;
"We chirp!" said the seven
So they chirped cheery notes
In the grass soft and even
Over in the meadow,
By the old mossy gate
Lived a brown mother lizard
And her little lizards eight
"Bask!" said the mother;
"We bask!" said the eight
So they basked in the sun
On the old mossy gate
Over in the meadow,
Where the quiet pools shine
Lived a green mother frog
And her little froggies nine
"Croak!" said the mother;
"We croak!" said the nine
So they croaked and they splashed
Where the quiet pools shine
Over in the meadow,
In a sly little den
Lived a gray mother spider
And her little spiders ten
"Spin!" said the mother;
"We spin!" said the ten
So they spun lacy webs
In their sly little den
The lyrics are slightly different in my version but I like the fact that you can be playful and sing what you are comfortable with and make up verses and words with your own child!
Of course is too long I only sing up to the bees five!
And this is it for now, will give you some more rhymes and songs later!
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