Not now
Just before
But hold it
A bit longer
Longer still
Back to the original thought
Only a little different now
Not now
Just after
Breathing out
Feel the peace
Breath in
A new breath
A new moment
Just gone

Like the Sun moving across the sky
Of each breath and each moment passing
The pulse of life
The Earth moving
Your heart beating
pErhaPs is hOw we sEe LiFe that maKeS LiFe a wOndeRful jOurneY
Poems and Quotes by Susannah Andrews
I see these amazing things each day and I wonder, how many of us are aware?
Am I missing so many beautiful things myself? As I am only just learning to slow down and take each moment, it is hard, it is an art, a skill that we can learn through practice.
My heart sometimes beats so fast or misses a beat and catches up and is like tumbling down the stairs...or running up the stairs two steps at the time. There are moments in life when it is ok to do so...but mostly...oh well...what are we running for? Why run for the bus if we know there is another one in 5 minutes?
Is it worth it risking crossing the road fast and chancing getting hit by a car?
What is the rush? Why not wake up 2o minutes earlier and enjoy the birds singing in the morning?
What is it this frenetic lifestyle, trying to cram so many things in one day?
What is the result? Usually an empty feeling, stress, and a feeling that you missed something or are forgetting something so terribly important...but what is it?
I tell you what it is....: breathing!
Being in tune with oneselves...
Ask yourself: Am I hungry, really hungry?
(Or I just want to grab a quick snack because I only got 5 minutes and there is a Starbucks just there?)
Is it time to nourish myself?
How am I going to nourish myself?
Fresh air, silence- peace
The park, the river...sitting on the grass in the shade?
Am I allowing time to sit down and being still and enjoy good food, a book...etc...
Do I allow the time for a walk and enjoy seeing grass, flowers, feeling the sun on my face?
Perhaps living in London makes me even more aware of these crazy things that we do or say! Our expectations and how we live our lives! Do we really need shops and restaurant to be open almost 24 hours a day?
Have we all lost the sense of time? By this I mean the time for something:
The time of waking
when we can- without alarm, with the light and the sound of morning bells and birds
The time for thinking
when we can without twitter, CNN, Internet or being on the phone, texting...or sometimes talking or listening to sounds-talking radio or music-iPod...
The time for doing
doing, initiating a task and finishing the task with purpose and being mindful- this means without doing things as above or in other words multitasking
The time to go to church
Time for gardening
Time for reading
Time for walking to the market, get the papers...
Time to actually meet someone special
Time to talk - face to face- really listening
Time to listen ( going to concerts etc...)
Time to eat, enjoying food and doing just eating ( not thinking, not working, not texting...etc...)
We are all guilty of not remembering the simple things of our daily activities
How about:
Time to eat Strawberries ( early summer and not all year round)
Time to go shopping ( when you need it and on a certain time of the day like morning for bread and milk, evening for groceries...)
Time for cappuccino ( between 7 am and 11 am)
Time for tea ( 3 pm)
Time for going to the post office
walk the dog
Time of the week
cleaning day- ironing day- rubbish day
Time of the month
sorting paper work...etc..
Time of the year
can you think of something
These are our natural rhythms
Spring cleansing, starting new things, is relatively easy at this time of the year...but to keep something going, a rhythm...a routine, a seasonal could be a marking a special day, a festival...
These things are so important and yet because modern lifestyle is fast and everything seems available so early or too soon, or too much of it, like hot cross buns soon after Christmas...
The special moments are lost and forgotten...
The delight in waiting for something
Making that something feel more special and important...
Fewer and fewer people are doing this and this makes me sad
So my task is to remind myself about the natural rhythms and the simple life pleasures...
slowing down and live according to our natural rhythms
Susannah Andrews
Read on: these amazing links -websites and blogs full of inspiration and all about slow living!
I just extracted and chose pages but look at all other pages-articles! Happy reading!
The Art of Simplicity: A Simple Guide to Focusing on the Essentials of the Heart
Key Word: Integrity
Key Concept: Divine wisdom
Cosmic Question: What priorities lead to peace and spiritual growth?
• You can create greater abundance in your life when you make conscious choices.
• Making right choices leads us beyond fear, anger, judgement, and other ego agendas into spiritual—and material—freedom.
Simplicity can be difficult to achieve in a world that clamors for "more! more! more!" But simplicity opens the way to the center of the heart--the still place where quiet, healing, and a still small voice await. Simplicity is making elegant choices, treasuring precious moments, and valuing that which is of eternal worth. Like Michelangelo who saw the statue of David in the heart of the stone, so we are called to reveal the inner beauty hidden in the chaos of our lives. Simplicity is singleness of heart, focused on the essentials of life, rather than being distracted by our desires and fears. Simplicity is a celebration of the heart--a chance to touch eternity in a moment of meditation. Simplicity is finding abundance in the small things.
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