How this wonderful flower and its scent saved me once more!
Yesterday I developed an awful headache by having to sit in a room of a certain old building where there was a really strong smell of solvent from very recently painted walls. No ventilation in the building hall. Stuffy and shubby and really unpleasant environment had the greatest impact on many of my senses! I gradually felt the waves of sickness increasing throughout the day. Unfortunately I had to sit there from 9 am until 4 om, with breaks, whcih I used to escape the building, only to go out into a grim part of South East London. Luckily I could sit by some dandelions growing amongst the monster cemented buildings!
I felt sick on the way back home to Greenwich and Blackheath. At 5 pm I got some lavender oil and started dabbing it on my forehead and temples...I rpeated this after dinner and before bed time.
Now I am much better.
Lavender is a wonderful scent that works on different levels. It has healing properties. I use it often, and not only because I like the scent but because it soothes, relaxes and comforts me.
This reminds me how important it is to look after all our senses!
Read my post below to find out about The twelve senses.
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