you need:
gold felt
black felt
2 different colors of brown felt (or contrasting colors of choice)
pink felted sweater (or color of choice)
hot pink felted sweater (or color of choice)
gold, pink, black, and brown cotton emb. floss (to match choice colors)
sewing needle
wool or polyfill stuffing (or fabric scraps, paper, tissues)
sewing machine (optional)
*To felt sweaters, use 100% wool sweaters, place in a HOT washer, add 2 tablespoons soap, and wash. Then dry in a hot dryer.
to make:
1. Cut out pieces and parts from felt and/or thrifted sweaters. I used thrifted sweaters for the light pink body, heart, and oval shaped bottom (not pictured); and felt for the eyes, wings, and beak.
2. With right side pieces of owl body facing each other, stitch around the shape of the owl with a machine or hand sew; leave the bottom open. Turn right side out.
3. Stitch the eyes to the heart face mask. For all stitching details visit this post.
4. Stitch the face mask to the body.
5. Stitch on the beak.
6. Stitch the wings together making sure to stitch all 4 (or 3).
6. Stitch both sets of wings to the owl body.
7. Stitch optional heart onto the owl.
8. Sew bottom onto owl, leaving a space to stuff.
9. Stuff and stitch closed.
10. Place little valentine owl in a happy place.
Happy sewing!
“That’s all,”
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