Sunday, 2 March 2025

Of Skies, seas and spring


March winds, cold and bitter, yet,

as the fog lifts to reveal promising 

glorious sun shine,

a faint whiff of blossoms;

my heart fills, the air feel lighter.

Sky and sea, blue and true, 

Spring arrives with promises

of good changes

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Who can resolve for us the mysteries of earth, the wonder of reviving life in the spring?

Not all the stars in the sky are as wonderful as the bursting seed; or the tiny green shoot, or the first brave flower defying the storm.

The birds return, and in the dawn they form cathedral choirs rejoicing in the light.

The scampering squirrels take up the glad refrain – The spring is here!

The trees sing in the wind, and little streams swell into leaping, laughing torrents,

The dead leaves nestling on the earth whisper a glorious secret to the wind: The earth is stirring with new life!

Where yesterday the drifting snow covered grey leaves, impetuous green today thrusts upwards towards the light.

All nature sings, for light is life, and warmth and rain are life.

This is the truth that passes understanding; this is the joy to all forever free:

Life springs from death and shatters every fetter, and winter yields to spring eternally.

 From: The Wonder of Reviving Life by Robert T. Weston, from Songs for Living.

Prayer by Judith Quarles


Spirit of life, bring to us beauty – the beauty of snowdrops and tulip shoots.


Bring to us strength – the strength of torrents of spring streams and the quiet strength of roots pushing deep into the ground for nourishment.


Bring to us pleasure – the pleasures of maple syrup sticky and sweet on our tongues and the wind grabbing a kite and taking it high – if only we could go too!


Bring to us wisdom – the knowledge that new life springs up without help. In spite of everything we do or don’t, green shoots will bring in the spring; grass and weeds and dandelions will appear.


Bring to us love – springtime love has magic in it. The children look cherubic, the parents look eager, the lovers look lost, the seniors look satisfied. Let springtime love be a part of our lives. Spirit of life, come to us that all the energy and power of spring will make us tall and smiling and expectant.