This is the time of the year where all our energies should kick start after a long winter sleep.
Tiredness kicks in instead.
Over consumption of dairy, fats, sweets and our bodies now need rest. More sleep and a detox regime.
This time of the year as a preparation for Spring, this transition time, is very delicate. Our cells need renewing as the upwards energy of Spring pushes through the Earth towards the Sun, we need a complete change of lifestyle.
There is no gradual way of doing it, it needs to be quite drastic, like fasting for a weekend with tisanes and frshly squeezed juices as a kick start and off we go, like a motorino Vespa ...just broom broom and off we go with the wind...
just don't buy, get rid of anything lurking in the house that carries stagnant and negative energy and food that with similar energy, especially foods and things that starts with the letter 'C':
cheese, chocolate, curry, chicken, chorizo, custard, crackers, cocoa, coffee, cigarettes, ...can you think of anything else?
Well I don't smoke or eat sweet things or meat as I am that should be a good start!
I love vegetables so shouldn't be a problem!
This is the natural time of the year to start a cleansing diet;
more fast boiled and steamed vegetables, especially many greens like broccoli, purple sprouting and green beans and cavolo nero...
more vegetables proteins like natto, tempeh, tofu
fresh cheese like sheeps milk and ricotta
yoghurt, natural bio plain ( with acidophilus for good bacteria)
boiled eggs for good cholesterol and source of protein
- less baked and absolutely nothing fried
absolutely no meat
for fish eaters, yes, fish everyday! Grilled and poached, with greens on the side
sprouting....get sprouting is fun with children get big jars and do it is easy!

I love alfalfa and mung beans sprouts...
dandelion leaves in salads
lots of salads, mixed leaves just a bit of umeboshi vinegar and olive oil
that should be enough to start with...
let's get going...
more rest and more sleep,
gentle stretch
Pilates, Yoga
walking in sunlight and fresh air but wear your woollies it is still fresh!
What a lovely sight the Snowdrops are looking past their best now and we welcome Crocuses, yellow and purple little and straight, opening their cups to catch the sunbeams!
Crocus Crocus open up
Catch a Sun Beam in your cup
Reflection transforming into action
Renew, regenerate
fresh start
Spring is around the corner, let us greet it with a smile!
Soon the Bluebells will sing in the woods...
Lent historically has been kept as a time of penance and strict self denial for contemplating the suffering and temptations of Jesus as he fasted in the wilderness. Nowadays the strictness of Lent has largely been relaxed and more emphasis is placed on using the time to strengthen the inner life. The long fasts of Lent as in many different religions and cultures is not only to "cleanse" the body but to discipline and feed the soul. The ease of Natures's progress in the spring may also challenge us to test our own human capacity for renewal and inner growth.
Fasting and discipline have little
relevance for young children so the time of Lent can be seen as a time to gather the forces needed to meet the can be greater if they vital renewal of our daily lives. For young children who carry the joy of life so close their pleasure in Easter day have been prepared throughout the "night" mood of Lent.
Ways that we can develop and appropriate Lenten mood for a young child are simple and varied. We could sit for a few minutes each morning listening in silence as the birdsong gains strength from the night. We could take time to watch for the moon as it unfolds its rhythmic process between darkness and light. An unlit candle standing on the dining table instead of flowers can offer a very deep impression or one might decorate the nature table with bare twigs alone or a pot of bulbs not yet in bloom...
These may seem small matters but it is so often the small things that need attention and will stand out all the more.
These may seem small matters but it is so often the small things that need attention and will stand out all the more.