Sunday 10 February 2013

New Moon and me

London, end of January 2013, Science Museum

Today- 10/02/2013

Feeling a bit dizzy and restless, perhaps the new moon, or just trying to recharge my 'batteries'!

It has been a weird week, mixed with being on the receiving end of aggressive people, or around people with anger issues and unstable emotional and physical issues.
Then after reading the post on astrology and about this months celestial activities...makes more sense...

 I have been going to more yoga classes and water workouts and yesterday I walked all the way to Greenwich market and felt the energy of the Earth clearly: all is growing now, under the coat of frost and cold Earth, all is coming through. Noticing snowdrops in the pretty Cator Estate gardens...

And daffodils growing in Greenwich park:
This upwards energy that called for more sleep, mental growth, restlessness, more dreams, strange dreams, yearning for beauty and peace, even more so than before.
I been burning pretty Candlemas candles and bying myself flowers, my favourite this month are pussy willows!

 I have been listening to birds singing in in the morning and in the evening to raindrops falling. I have to remind myself to be so grateful for everything I have.
I am respecting my body and paying even more attention to it now.
After a lunch of rice and greens, tofu and sprouted beans and alfalfa, dinner more in comfort zone with potatoes, and kale soup (sneaky leeks and white carrots and golden beetroot and lots of garlic too!)
and why not a cup of hot chocolate rice dream!
Missing my water workout this am, due to time of the month!

I hope you enjoy the two previous posts with copied and pasted articles from lovely websites- do click on links to read more!
Still hoping to brave the wet cold weather and see a bit of Chinese madness in London Soho later...

Have a lovely week!


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